How Crossfit can help you
CrossFit Kyoto > Increase metabolism to improve basic fitness

Increase metabolism to improve basic fitness

Large muscle exercise is effective for improving basal metabolic rate.


Working a deskwork job and not exercising.
Tend to eat too much.
Those decrease basal metabolic rate more easily as we get older.


There is no way to avoid the fact that basal metabolic rate declines with aging.
The important thing is to exercise large muscles.


Large muscles include:
Greater Pectoral muscles (chest)
Latissimus (back)
Gluteus maximus (butt)
Quadriceps and hamstrings (legs)
Calf muscles


Working these muscles increases energy consumption and generates body heat.


Crossfit has a vast range of menus working out these large muscles. Instead of working any one specific muscle, Crossfit promotes the balanced training of large muscles throughout the body.


We recommend Crossfit Kyoto for the following types of people!

  • People who want to improve the immune system.
  • People who want to get fast metabolism.
  • People who want to maintain their youth by improving their metabolism.
  • People who want to improve their metabolism to maintain healthy skin, hair, and internal organs.
  • People who want to improve blood circulation and improve cold intolerance.
  • People who want to improve their health by increasing their metabolism instead of reducing calories.





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