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Toes To Bar (T2B) Progressions and Scaling

Toes To Bar (T2B) Progressions and Scaling at CrossFit Kyoto

These are the progressions we use at CrossFit Kyoto for people who cannot do Toes to Bar.

The first video is an introduction. It starts in Japanese, the English starts about 36 seconds in.

1. The first T2B progression is the Floor Knee Raise. English starts from 31 sec in. 
The most important point is to keep the low back pressed into the ground as you lift your legs.

2. The second T2B progression is the Floor Leg Raise,
The main difference is that the legs remain straight throughout the movement.

3. The third T2B progression is the Hanging Knee Raise.
Don't just passively hang from the bar for this one.

4. The fourth T2B progression is the negative Toes to Bar
When jumping the legs to touch the bar, make sure both feet touch at the same time.

If you can already do Toes to Bar future videos will show how to practice stringing multiple reps together.




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